Welcome to 2025 Mycology Research Products

Liquid Culture, Agar plates, Colonized grain and more!
Producing the highest quality Liquid Culture available today. From only the best genetics with verified results!
Welcome to 2025 Mycology Research Products
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Producing the highest quality Liquid Culture available today. From only the best genetics with verified results!
Sillycybin was created as a higher quality alternative to spores. Unlike spores, making early-stage liquid cultures from mycelium allows us to isolate and replicate the strongest, fastest, and highest-yielding genetics. All of our cultures are 100% Organic.
M.E.A.N. GREEN Agar! Formulated by Dr. Myco Sillycybin for Third Eye Fungi This is an excellent low-mid nutrient Malt Extract Agar that promotes thick Rhizomorphic growth results for almost all mycelium.
Coming soon!
Our new one quart Cup-O-Magic will come with everything you need to research your own mycelium at home. This is simple all-in-one solution comes with a 1 qt pre-sterilized grain pod with injection port and gas exchange filter plus a second one quart tub with pasteurized Coco substrate to be used as a dome during the fruiting stage. Simply inject the grain with 3 ml of your choice of liquid culture and then wait for your grain to fully colonize. Using an Sab or Flowood sterilize with 70% Isopropyl and remove the lid from both containers. Next pour the substrate over the colonized grain. (Optionally you can break and shake the grain and substrate together with the lid on). Next Rinse, sterilize with ISO and mist the inside of the empty quart container and set on top. (Optionally you may wrap the two together all the way around with micropore tape) Set it and forget it for a couple of weeks in an area from 70° to 75°. Last but not least you can just sit back relax and watch the MAGIC happen!
Mushroom liquid culture is a mixture of mycelium, the vegetative part of the fungus, suspended in a liquid growth medium. The mycelium is the source of all the genetic information needed to research mushrooms, and the liquid culture provides a convenient way to transfer this information to the growth medium. The culture is usually made by transferring mycelium from a mature mushroom to a sterile growth medium that is then incubated until it forms a healthy, vigorous culture.
Here at Third Eye Fungi we help take the guesswork out of researching both Psilocybin and Gourmet mushrooms. Our mission is to provide you with the highest quality mycology products at the best prices. With our in-house blend of liquid culture, agar plates and more we have all your mycology research needs covered. We begin with clean fresh mycelium blended in our proprietary LME culture. This all done in front of a laminar flow Hood in a sterile environment. After our 3-4 week mix we then test direct to agar for contamination, before using a Peristaltic pump to fill each syringe with 10cc's of our liquid culture, ensuring everything is sterile from start to finish. We do not ship Liquid culture when temps are below freezing or over 100° for more then a few days as these temperatures can kill mycelium.
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